Cash flow is critical. From paying your employee payroll and office lease to marketing expenses and keeping the lights on, cash flow is necessary to keep your business enterprise afloat. Fortunately, when you have a DoD contract, timely payment is assured, however, it is predicated on being able to correctly submit an invoice through wide-area workflow (WAWF) which is part of the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE). Understanding both applications is necessary to maintain your federal contract cash flow. This collider is your opportunity to engage with the experts from Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Test Center, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Contract Management Agency, and Defense Financial and Accounting Services to hear their first-hand insights with PIEE, WAWF, working with contractor payment data, and importantly the agencies responsible for administrating, paying and auditing your invoices, DCAA, DCMA and DFAS. On top of this, we will have Contracting Officers sharing their experience with WAWF and sharing best practices. If you agree Cash is King, join us on March 27th!
Type of Event: Hybrid (just let us know at registration)
Time Topic
12:30-12:40 Opening Remarks
12:40-13:35 Overview of PIEE and WAWF
13:35-13:45 Break
13:45 – 14:40 The Contracting Officer Perspective
14:40-14:50 Break
14:50-15:40 DCAA, DCMA, and DFAS Roles and Responsibilities
15:40-16:00 Q&A/Wrap-up