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AFIMSC and AFICC Mission: The Future of USAF Facilities Collider


15 August 2024


12:00 pm - 4:30 pm


31 S Main St, Dayton

What to Expect:

Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center (AFIMSC) and Air Force Installation Contracting Center (AFICC) have partnered with the Wright Brothers Institute to bring you an informational Small Business and matchmaking Collider from 21-22 April 2022. This Collider will focus on presenting resources and opportunities available to all Small Businesses.

Collider: 15 Aug 2024

One-on-ones with AFIMSC SB Director: 16 Aug 2024

Location: The Hub Dayton, 31 S Main St. Dayton, OH 4540o2

This is a NEW VENUE – unfortunately WBI has lost funding to our amazing 444 facility on Second Street. The SB Hub will send out detailed instructions on location for parking and how to enter The Hub. The Hub Conference will be on the 3rd floor overlooking the Rotunda, it is an incredibly beautiful location, I really think everyone will enjoy it.

Event Recap

